Rasta BlacSpade urges Gov’t to reduce Custom Duties

Rasta BlacSpade urges Gov’t to reduce Custom Duties

Rasta BlacSpade urges Gov’t to reduce Custom Duties

Rasta BlacSpade urges Gov't to reduce Custom Duties

Conscious reggae singer Rasta Blacspade is urging the Jamaican government to reduce the customs duties on imported barrels sent by families and friends to hurricane victims in Jamaica.

According to the ‘Royal Plus Riddim’ artiste, “The Government should drastically reduce custom duties. This will translate into more help, in terms of basic food items and clothing for hurricane victims.”

“Jamaicans are in need of every form of assistance at this critical time, with unofficial figures circulating that over 500,000 persons are in need of basic food items. The items include sugar, flour, rice cornmeal, and tinned items. In addition, are the need for clothing and toiletries, such as soaps and tissues.”

“We are already warned of increasing prices of mainly agricultural food; tomatoes, pepper, scallion, bananas, yams, and sweet potatoes. Already some higglers are reportedly selling onions for as much as Ja. five hundred dollars a pound.”

The customs duty is calculated from the cost of goods, freight cost plus insurance. The flat rate for clearing a barrel in Jamaica is Ja$ 6,500 as long as the items are not to be used commercially (not for sale). Non-profit institutions are usually exempt from customs duties. These institutions include Food for the Poor which feeds some 300,000 needy persons each month.

Rasta Blacspade is now on the last lap of completing his debut album, ‘Love Over All Things’. He is also looking forward to having his first tour in Gambia, Africa, in December 2024.

This is just one place where his songs are welcomed by reggae fans. He is also cementing his presence in Kenya, Germany, and the Caribbean.

(Photo contributed)

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