Limners and Bards Make Big Bets On Management Of Talent And Content

Kimala Bennett  Chief Executive Officer  for Limners and Bards Limited (The LAB) has released the following report to Shareholders of its unaudited financial statements for the nine months ended July 31, 2024, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).The consolidated results include the subsidiary Scope Caribbean Limited (Scope) whose principal business is the scouting, placement and management of talent while expanding and maintaining a database of quality talent.

The LAB achieved higher net profits compared to the corresponding period last year, with net profit reaching $83.5 million, a 46.7% increase over the comparable period. This growth was driven by our strong emphasis on the Agency Segment of the business for this quarter, as we continued to build brands. While revenues were down compared to the prior period, the company implemented cost containment measures, resulting in an 18% reduction in administrative expenses.

Shareholders’ equity grew to $681.4 million, up from $597.5 million or 14.0% over the corresponding period last year. We maintained a strong balance sheet, with an improved cash position over the period. Additionally, our asset base increased as we reinvested in the business, upgrading film studio facilities.

Revenue for the nine months ended July 31, 2024, was $752.7 million, down 17.6% relative to the prior period. This decline was primarily attributable to a reduction in Media during the period. Notwithstanding this, the Agency segment outperformed the comparable period. The revenue achieved was derived from the company’s core business lines: Media totalling $407.6 million, followed by Production with $190.5 million and Agency with $154.6 million.

Gross Profit for the nine months was $284.5 million, down 9.6% when compared to the corresponding period. Administrative expenses were also lower when compared to the comparable period. Administrative, selling and distribution expenses decreased by $47.5 million or 18% in comparison to the corresponding period last year. These decreases are primarily due to reduction in contractor and staff cost.

The consolidated Balance Sheet saw total assets increasing by $161.2 million or 17.1% to $1.1 Billion compared to $941.2 million in the corresponding period. This increase in assets is driven by building and film studio facilities improvement and purchases of new production equipment to facilitate future growth.

Current Assets amounted to $846.7 million, increasing by $59.9 million over the prior year.

Cash and cash equivalent increased by $25.5 million over the corresponding period last year. Management continues to maintain tight monitoring and control over receivables

As the LAB continues to grow and diversify, our strategic initiatives are positioning us to capitalize on the booming global film industry and the increasing demand for fresh, international content.

We have successfully completed filming our first feature film, “Love Offside,” a sports romantic comedy that showcases the vibrant culture and dynamic talent of Jamaica. The film, features an impressive cast and has now entered the editing phase is slated for a February 2025 release, perfectly timed to meet the growing appetite for diverse and engaging content.

The global film market is experiencing a significant surge, with demand for international content at an all-time high. Industry reports indicate that streaming services and traditional distributors alike are increasingly seeking diverse narratives that resonate with a global audience. This trend presents a significant opportunity for the LAB, as “Love Offside” is poised to attract viewers with its unique storyline and cultural richness. Over the next 12 months, the Company plans to produce three films and three web series.

We are pleased to announce that our Chief Operations Officer (COO) and Head of Production, Tashara Lee Johnson, recently represented us at the MIP Africa Content Market in South Africa as a part of the Jamaican delegation organized by JAMPRO, a premier event in the global film industry. This market is a critical platform for forging connections, understanding market trends, and securing partnerships that will enhance our film’s reach and profitability.

In parallel, our agency arm is gearing up for our regional expansion strategy, where we will engage with various businesses and explore strategic partnerships across the Caribbean. Our goal is to solidify our presence in these markets, leveraging the region’s growing influence in the global media landscape.

Our commitment remains steadfast in delivering value to our shareholders by expanding our content portfolio, exploring new markets, and forging strategic alliances that will drive growth and profitability. The steps we are currently taking are designed to position the LAB at the forefront of a rapidly evolving industry, ensuring we capitalize on the opportunities presented by the global demand for fresh, compelling content.

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