Each year, millions of visitors enjoy the sights, sounds and sunsets Jamaica has to offer, without realizing the magnificence that lies just beyond resorts and tourist attractions. Well-known Jamaican photographer and videographer, Sheldon Levene, is changing that. He’s providing individuals with an entirely new perspective of the island nation with the release of his coffee table book, Digital Therapy From Above Vol. 1. It features over 150 curated photos of Jamaica’s natural wonders as captured from the air.
Memories from the Heart
Levy transports people with his aerial images to places they may never see in person, and certainly not from his unique perspective. The book also provides Jamaicans living abroad with memories of home. What originally began for Levene as a way to relax and clear his mind when his mother fell ill, transitioned into a form of nature therapy and a source of positivity for Jamaica.
Natural and Manmade Beauty
The photos in the book are divided by parish and highlight different aspects of the country. They encompass aerial images of stately mountains and sparkling waterfalls to beautiful beaches and lush greenery that people typically only view from ground level. Individuals will also discover the unique patterns created by the interweaving of roads and manmade features, including the island’s feature known as the “European Curve.”
Into the Heart of the Island
Jamaica is a country of intense and intricate beauty that most only have the opportunity to view from well-traveled roads. Levene takes individuals off the beaten paths and into the heart of the country and its people. Those craving an artful view of Jamaica can now obtain a copy of the book for their very own. Levene’s newest offering, Digital Therapy From Above Vol. 2, is available by visiting sheldonlevstore.com.
What Levy began with his first book, Digital Therapy From Above Vol. 1, he intends to continues with a second coffee table book.
Photo – Sheldon Levene
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