Jamaican Student Athletes Land Historic Victory in Jamaica Vs. NYC Youth Basketball Games

Jamaican Student Athletes Land Historic Victory in Jamaica Vs. NYC Youth Basketball Games

Caribbean Hoopfest’s Donald François and Stephanie Halstead, members of the G5W student initiative, hosted their 10th annual basketball event on December 1 and 2. It was here for the first time, that the Jamaica P.H.A.S.E. 1 Academy under 16 team showcased their formidable skills on the basketball court versus New York-based junior basketball teams. This event served as a cultural exchange between Jamaican student-athletes and their NYC counterparts.

Triumph in the Big Apple

At the end of matches, the Jamaican team secured two wins and zero losses against the NYC. The final score for the first game was 46-43, while the second game ended with a score of 66-48. This triumph not only highlighted the players’ individual and collective talents but also established a momentous chapter in Jamaican basketball history.

Unveiling Jamaican Talent in NYC

The P.H.A.S.E. 1 Academy under 16 team comprise nine young players from Jamaica who faced off against local NYC teams, Queens Defenders and Lawrence Woodmere Academy. This was also the first time the event was held in New York City, offering an opportunity for these Jamaican student-athletes to exhibit their basketball prowess abroad, led by coaches Wayne Dawkins and Dave Black.

What’s Next?

As the players return to their respective training grounds, P.H.A.S.E. 1 Academy under 16 will be preparing for their upcoming trips to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Euphrates, Pennsylvania in January and February 2024. It is also anticipated that the team will be hosted again in March as the program expands to other Caribbean islands.

Touring the Big Apple

The Jamaican team’s tour of New York also included a visit to Times Square, Hofstra University and attending the Rockefeller Center tree event, adding to the cultural immersion of the event.

Photo – G5W and Caribbean Hoopfest, Jamaica 16U Tournament

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